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Utility functions for Array.

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Returns true if all elements of the array match the predicate function, otherwise, returns false.

function all<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): boolean
function all<A>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => boolean
A.all(['hello', 'world'], value => value.length > 0) // → true
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
A.all(value => value > 3),
) // → false


Returns true if at least one of the elements of the array match the predicate function, otherwise, returns false.

function any<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): boolean
function any<A>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => boolean
A.any(['', 'hello', 'world'], value => value.length > 0) // → true
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
A.any(value => value > 5),
) // → false


Adds a single element to the end of an array.

function append<A>(xs: Array<A>, element: A): Array<A>
function append<A>(element: A): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Alias for get.

function at<A>(xs: Array<A>, index: number): Option<A>
function at<A>(index: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Option<A>


Returns a new array containing the concatenation of two provided arrays.

function concat<A>(xs1: Array<A>): (xs0: Array<A>) => Array<A>
function concat<A>(xs0: Array<A>, xs1: Array<A>): Array<A>


Returns a new array as the concatenation of the provided array of arrays.

function concatMany<A>(xs: Array<Array<A>>): Array<A>


Returns a copy of the provided array.

function copy<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<A>


Creates a new array with all sub-array elements concatenated into it recursively up to the Infinite depth.

function deepFlat<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<ExtractNested<A>>


Returns elements from the first array, not existing in the second array.

function difference<A>(ys: Array<A>): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>
function difference<A>(xs: Array<A>, ys: Array<A>): Array<A>
A.difference([1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5, 6]) // → [1, 2]
pipe([5, 2, 3, 5, 6], A.difference([5, 2, 3, 1, 5, 4])) // → [6]


Returns a new array that does not contain the first n elements of the provided array, or an empty array if n is either less than 0 or greater than the length of the provided array.

function drop<A>(xs: Array<A>, n: number): Array<A>
function drop<A>(n: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>
A.drop([1], 1) // → []
A.drop([1, 2, 3], 4) // → []
A.drop([1, 2, 3], 2) // → [3]
pipe([1, 2, 3, 4], A.drop(2)) // → [3, 4]


Returns a new array (Some(xs)) that does not contain the first n elements of the provided array, or None if n is either less than 0 or greater than the length of the provided array.

function dropExactly<A>(xs: Array<A>, n: number): Option<Array<A>>
function dropExactly<A>(n: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Option<Array<A>>


Drops elements from the beginning of the array until an element is reached which does not satisfy the given predicate.

function dropWhile<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): Array<A>
function dropWhile<A>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns false if length of both arrays is not the same, otherwise compares elements one by one using the comparator.

function eq<A>(xs0: Array<A>, xs1: Array<A>, comparatorFn: (_1: A, _2: A) => boolean): boolean
function eq<A>(xs1: Array<A>, comparatorFn: (_1: A, _2: A) => boolean): (xs0: Array<A>) => boolean


Returns `true`` if all elements satisfy the given predicate.

function every<A>(xs: Array<A>, fn: (_1: A) => boolean): boolean
function every<A>(fn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => boolean


Returns a new array that keep all elements satisfy the given predicate.

function filter<A, B extends A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (value: A) => value is B): Array<B>
function filter<A, B extends A>(predicateFn: (value: A) => value is B): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<B>
function filter<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (value: A) => boolean): Array<A>
function filter<A>(predicateFn: (value: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>
A.filter([1, 2, 3, 4], value => value % 2 === 0) // → [2, 4]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
A.filter(value => value % 2 === 0),
) // → [2, 4, 6, 8]

['hello', 'wo', 'rld'],
A.filter(value => value.length < 4),
) // → ['wo', 'rld']


Returns a new array that keep all elements that return Some(value) applied within predicateFn.

function filterMap<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => Option<B>): Array<B>
function filterMap<A, B>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => Option<B>): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<B>
A.filterMap(['', 'hello', 'world', ''], value => {
return value.length > 0 ? O.Some(value.length) : O.None
}) // → [5, 5]

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
A.filterMap(value => {
return value % 2 === 0 ? O.Some(value * 2) : O.None
) // → [4, 8]


Returns a new array that keep all elements satisfy the given predicate (which take two arguments: the element for the array and its index).

function filterWithIndex<A, B extends A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (index: number, value: A) => value is B): Array<B>
function filterWithIndex<A, B extends A>(predicateFn: (index: number, value: A) => value is B): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<B>
function filterWithIndex<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (index: number, value: A) => boolean): Array<A>
function filterWithIndex<A>(predicateFn: (index: number, value: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Alias for getBy.

function find<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): Option<A>
function find<A>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Option<A>


Creates a new array with all sub-array elements concatenated into it (the single level depth).

function flat<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<A extends Array<infer B> ? B : A>


Returns a new tuple with the reverse order of the elements.

function flip<A, B>(xs: readonly [A, B]): readonly [B, A]
A.flip([1, 2]) // → [2, 1]
{ name: 'Joe', location: 'Warsaw' },
) // → { Joe: 'name', Warsaw: 'location' }


Calls fn on each element of the provided array.

function forEach<A>(xs: Array<A>, fn: (_1: A) => void): void
function forEach<A>(fn: (_1: A) => void): (xs: Array<A>) => void


Calls fn (which takes two arguments: the element from array and its index) on each element of the provided array.

function forEachWithIndex<A>(xs: Array<A>, fn: (_1: number, _2: A) => void): void
function forEachWithIndex<A>(fn: (_1: number, _2: A) => void): (xs: Array<A>) => void


Returns Some(value) at the given index, or None if the given index is out of range.

function get<A>(xs: Array<A>, index: number): Option<A>
function get<A>(index: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Option<A>


Returns Some(value) for the first element in the array that satisifies the given predicate function, or None if no element satisifies the predicate.

function getBy<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): Option<A>
function getBy<A>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Option<A>


Returns Some(index) for the first value in the provided array that satisifies the predicate function.

function getIndexBy<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): Option<number>
function getIndexBy<A>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Option<number>


Returns value at the given index, or undefined if the given index is out of range.

function getUndefined<A>(xs: Array<A>, index: number): A | undefined
function getUndefined<A>(index: number): (xs: Array<A>) => A | undefined


Returns value at the given index (use only if you're entirely sure that a value exists at the given index).

function getUnsafe<A>(xs: Array<A>, index: number): A
function getUnsafe<A>(index: number): (xs: Array<A>) => A


Splits the given array into sub-arrays in an object, grouped by the result of running each value through the provided function.

function groupBy<A, B extends PropertyKey>(xs: Array<A>, groupFn: (item: A) => B): Partial<Record<B, readonly [A, ...A[]]>>
function groupBy<A, B extends PropertyKey>(groupFn: (item: A) => B): (xs: Array<A>) => Partial<Record<B, readonly [A, ...A[]]>>

Returns Some(value) where value is the first element of the array, or None if the given array is empty.

function head<A>(xs: Array<A>): Option<A>


Returns true if the provided value is equal to at least one element of the given array.

function includes<A>(xs: Array<A>, value: A): boolean
function includes<A>(value: A): (xs: Array<A>) => boolean


Returns a new array (Some(xs)) with all elements except the last of the provided array.

function init<A>(xs: Array<A>): Option<Array<A>>


Returns a new array with all elements except the last of the provided array, or an empty array if the given array is empty.

function initOrEmpty<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<A>


Creates a new array that inserts the given value at the given index (no insertion is made if the index is out of range).

function insertAt<A>(xs: Array<A>, targetIndex: number, element: A): Array<A>
function insertAt<A>(targetIndex: number, element: A): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns intersection of two arrays.

function intersection<A>(ys: Array<A>): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>
function intersection<A>(xs: Array<A>, ys: Array<A>): Array<A>
A.intersection([1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5, 6]) // → [3, 4]
pipe([5, 2, 3, 5, 6], A.intersection([5, 2, 3, 1, 5, 4])) // → [5, 2, 3]


Creates a new array with the separator interposed between elements.

function intersperse<A>(xs: Array<A>, delimiter: A): Array<A>
function intersperse<A>(delimiter: A): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Determines whether the given array is empty.

function isEmpty<A>(xs: Array<A>): boolean
A.isEmpty(['hello', 'world']) // → false
A.isEmpty([]) // → true
pipe([1, 2, 3], A.isEmpty) // → false


Determines whether the given array is not empty.

function isNotEmpty<A>(xs: Array<A>): boolean
A.isNotEmpty(['hello', 'world']) // → true
A.isNotEmpty([]) // → false
pipe([1, 2, 3], A.isNotEmpty) // → true


Converts each element of the array to a string and concatenates them, separated by the given string.

function join<A>(xs: Array<A>, delimiter: string): string
function join<A>(delimiter: string): (xs: Array<A>) => string


Alias for filter.

function keep<A, B extends A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (value: A) => value is B): Array<B>
function keep<A, B extends A>(predicateFn: (value: A) => value is B): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<B>
function keep<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (value: A) => boolean): Array<A>
function keep<A>(predicateFn: (value: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Alias for filterMap.

function keepMap<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => Option<B>): Array<B>
function keepMap<A, B>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => Option<B>): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<B>


Alias for filterWithIndex.

function keepWithIndex<A, B extends A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (index: number, value: A) => value is B): Array<B>
function keepWithIndex<A, B extends A>(predicateFn: (index: number, value: A) => value is B): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<B>
function keepWithIndex<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (index: number, value: A) => boolean): Array<A>
function keepWithIndex<A>(predicateFn: (index: number, value: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns the last element (Some(value)) in the array, or None if the given array is empty.

function last<A>(xs: Array<A>): Option<A>


Returns the size of the provided array.

function length<A>(xs: Array<A>): number
A.length(['hello', 'world']) // → 2
pipe([0, 2, 4], A.length) // → 3


Returns a new array of size n populated by element, or an empty array if n is negative.

function make<A>(n: number, element: A): Array<A>
function make<A>(element: A): (n: number) => Array<A>
A.make(-1, 'hello') // → []
A.make(3, 1) // → [1, 1, 1]
pipe(2, A.make('hello')) // → ['hello', 'hello']


Creates an empty array. Alternative for const xs = [] as ReadonlyArray<A>.

function makeEmpty<A>(): Array<A>
A.makeEmpty<number>() // → []


Returns a new array of size n populated by mapFn(index), or an empty array if n is negative.

function makeWithIndex<A>(n: number, mapFn: (_1: number) => A): Array<A>
function makeWithIndex<A>(mapFn: (_1: number) => A): (n: number) => Array<A>
A.makeWithIndex(5, index => index * 2) // → [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]


Returns a new array by calling mapFn for each element of the provided array.

function map<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, mapFn: (_1: A) => B): Array<B>
function map<A, B>(mapFn: (_1: A) => B): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<B>


Returns a new array by calling mapFn (which takes two arguments: the element from array and its index) for each element of the provided array.

function mapWithIndex<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, mapFn: (_1: number, _2: A) => B): Array<B>
function mapWithIndex<A, B>(mapFn: (_1: number, _2: A) => B): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<B>


Splits the provided array into two separate arrays - one containing elements which satisfy the predicate, and the other array containing the elements which do not satisfy the predicate.

function partition<A, B extends A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (value: A) => value is B): readonly [Array<B>, Array<Exclude<A, B>>]
function partition<A, B extends A>(predicateFn: (value: A) => value is B): (xs: Array<A>) => readonly [Array<B>, Array<Exclude<A, B>>]
function partition<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (value: A) => boolean): readonly [Array<A>, Array<A>]
function partition<A>(predicateFn: (value: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => readonly [Array<A>, Array<A>]
A.partition([1, 2, 3, 4], value => value > 2) // → [[3, 4],[1, 2]]
pipe([1, 'hello', 2, 'world'], A.partition(G.isString)) // → [['hello', 'world'], [1, 2]]


Prepends a single element to the start of the given array.

function prepend<A>(xs: Array<A>, element: A): Array<A>
function prepend<A>(element: A): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns a new array which contains the given delimiter inserted before every element in the provided array.

function prependToAll<A>(xs: Array<A>, delimiter: A): Array<A>
function prependToAll<A>(delimiter: A): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns a new inclusive array of numbers from start to finish (it returns an empty array when start > finish).

function range(finish: number): (start: number) => Array<number>
function range(start: number, finish: number): Array<number>


Returns a new inclusive array of numbers from start to finish (it returns an empty array when step is 0 or negative, it also returns an empty array when start > finish).

function rangeBy(finish: number, step: number): (start: number) => Array<number>
function rangeBy(start: number, finish: number, step: number): Array<number>


Applies reduceFn (which has two parameters: an accumulator which starts with a value of initialValue and the next value from the array) to each element of the provided array, and eventually it returns the final value of the accumulator.

function reduce<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, initialValue: B, reduceFn: (_1: B, _2: A) => B): B
function reduce<A, B>(initialValue: B, reduceFn: (_1: B, _2: A) => B): (xs: Array<A>) => B


Works like A.reduce, except that the function reduceFn is applied to each item of xs from the last back to the first.

function reduceReverse<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, initialValue: B, reduceFn: (_1: B, _2: A) => B): B
function reduceReverse<A, B>(initialValue: B, reduceFn: (_1: B, _2: A) => B): (xs: Array<A>) => B


Applies reduceFn (which has three parameters: an accumulator which starts with a value of initialValue, the next value from the array and its index) to each element of the provided array, and eventually it returns the final value of the accumulator.

function reduceWithIndex<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, initialValue: B, reduceFn: (_1: B, _2: A, _3: number) => B): B
function reduceWithIndex<A, B>(initialValue: B, reduceFn: (_1: B, _2: A, _3: number) => B): (xs: Array<A>) => B


Returns a new array of elements from the provided array which do not satisfy the given predicate.

function reject<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): Array<A>
function reject<A>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns a new array of elements from the provided array which do not satisfy the given predicate (which take two arguments: the element for the array and its index).

function rejectWithIndex<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: number, _2: A) => boolean): Array<A>
function rejectWithIndex<A>(predicateFn: (_1: number, _2: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Creates a new array without the element at the given index (the original array if the index is out of range).

function removeAt<A>(xs: Array<A>, targetIndex: number): Array<A>
function removeAt<A>(targetIndex: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Creates a copy of the given array with the first occurrence of the given element removed

function removeFirst<A>(xs: Array<A>, value: A): Array<A>
function removeFirst<A>(value: A): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>
A.removeFirst(['hello', 'hello', 'world'], 'hello') // → ['hello', 'world']
pipe([4, 5, 2, 1, 3], A.removeFirst(1)) // → [4, 5, 2, 3]


Removes the first occurrence of the given value from the array, using the given equality function.

function removeFirstBy<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, value: B, predicateFn: (_1: A, _2: B) => boolean): Array<A>
function removeFirstBy<A, B>(value: B, predicateFn: (_1: A, _2: B) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>
A.removeFirstBy([1, 2, 1, 3, 4], 2, // → [1, 2, 1, 4]
['hello', 'wrld', 'world'],
A.removeFirstBy(4, (str, length) => str.length === length),
) // → ['hello', 'world']


Alias for make.

function repeat<A>(n: number, element: A): Array<A>
function repeat<A>(element: A): (n: number) => Array<A>


Creates a new array by replacing the value at the given index with the given value (no replacement is made if the index is out of range).

function replaceAt<A>(xs: Array<A>, targetIndex: number, element: A): Array<A>
function replaceAt<A>(targetIndex: number, element: A): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns a new array with the elements of the provided array in reverse order.

function reverse<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<A>
A.reverse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) // → [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
pipe(['hello', 'world'], A.reverse) // → ['world', 'hello']


Returns a new array with elements in the original array randomly shuffled.

function shuffle<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<A>


Returns a new array with the len elements of the given array starting at offset (offset can be negative).

function slice<A>(xs: Array<A>, offset: number, len: number): Array<A>
function slice<A>(offset: number, len: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns a new array with the elements of the given array starting at offset (offset can be negative).

function sliceToEnd<A>(xs: Array<A>, offset: number): Array<A>
function sliceToEnd<A>(offset: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns true if at least one of the elements in the given array satifies the predicate.

function some<A>(xs: Array<A>, fn: (_1: A) => boolean): boolean
function some<A>(fn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => boolean


Returns a new array, sorted according to the comparator function.

function sort<A>(xs: Array<A>, sortFn: (_1: A, _2: A) => number): Array<A>
function sort<A>(sortFn: (_1: A, _2: A) => number): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns a new array, sorted according to the provided function.

function sortBy<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, sortFn: (_1: A) => B): Array<A>
function sortBy<A, B>(sortFn: (_1: A) => B): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns two arrays (Some([xs, ys])), with the original array divided at the given index, or None if the index is out of range.

function splitAt<A>(xs: Array<A>, offset: number): Option<readonly [Array<A>, Array<A>]>
function splitAt<A>(offset: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Option<readonly [Array<A>, Array<A>]>


Returns an array of arrays, where each of the inner arrays has length equal to the provided size parameter.

function splitEvery<A>(xs: Array<A>, size: number): Array<Array<A>>
function splitEvery<A>(size: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<Array<A>>


Creates a new array with the elements at the two given indexes swapped (the original array if the index is out of range).

function swapAt<A>(xs: Array<A>, targetIndex: number, swapIndex: number): Array<A>
function swapAt<A>(targetIndex: number, swapIndex: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns a new array containing all but the the first element of the provided array, or None if the given array is empty (has no tail).

function tail<A>(xs: Array<A>): Option<Array<A>>
A.tail([1, 2, 3]) // → Some([2, 3])
A.tail([1]) // → Some([])
A.tail([]) // → None
pipe([1, 2, 3, 4], A.tail) // → Some([2, 3, 4])


Returns a new array containing all but the first element of the provided array, or an empty array if the given array is empty (has no tail).

function tailOrEmpty<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<A>


Returns a new array including the first n elements of the provided array, or an empty array if n is either negative or greater than the length of the provided array.

function take<A>(xs: Array<A>, n: number): Array<A>
function take<A>(n: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Returns a new array (Some(xs)) with the first n elements of the provided array, or None if n is either negative or greater than the length of the provided array.

function takeExactly<A>(xs: Array<A>, n: number): Option<Array<A>>
function takeExactly<A>(n: number): (xs: Array<A>) => Option<Array<A>>


Returns a new array, filled with elements from the provided array until an element doesn't pass the provided predicate.

function takeWhile<A>(xs: Array<A>, predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): Array<A>
function takeWhile<A>(predicateFn: (_1: A) => boolean): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Applies a side-effect function on each element of the provided array.

function tap<A>(xs: Array<A>, fn: (_1: A) => void): Array<A>
function tap<A>(fn: (_1: A) => void): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Converts the given array to the TypeScript's tuple.

function toTuple<T extends Array<any>>(xs: readonly [...T]): readonly [...T]


Splits the provided array into head and tail parts (as a tuple), but only if the array is not empty.

function uncons<A>(xs: Array<A>): Option<readonly [A, Array<A>]>


Returns union of two arrays.

function union<A>(ys: Array<A>): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>
function union<A>(xs: Array<A>, ys: Array<A>): Array<A>
A.union([1, 2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5, 6]) // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
pipe([5, 2, 3, 5, 6], A.union([5, 2, 3, 1, 5, 4])) // → [5, 2, 3, 6, 1, 4]


Returns a new array containing only one copy of each element in the provided array.

function uniq<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<A>
A.uniq([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6]) // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,]
A.uniq([[1, 2], [2, 1], [1, 2], [3, 4]]) // → [[1, 2], [2, 1], [3, 4]]

{ name: 'John', age: 20 },
{ name: 'Emily', age: 30 },
{ name: 'John', age: 20 },
]) // → [{ name: 'John', age: 20 }, { name: 'Emily', age: 30 }]

pipe([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6], A.uniq) // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,]


Returns a new array containing only one copy of each element in the provided array, based upon the value returned by applying the function to each element.

function uniqBy<A, B>(xs: Array<A>, uniqFn: (_1: A) => B): Array<A>
function uniqBy<A, B>(uniqFn: (_1: A) => B): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>
A.uniqBy([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6], F.identity) // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,]
{ name: 'Joe', age: 20 },
{ name: 'John', age: 20 },
user => user.age,
) // → [{ name: 'Joe', age: 20 }]

pipe([1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6], A.uniqBy(F.identity)) // → [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,]


Takes an array of pairs and creates a pair of arrays. The first array contains all the first elements of the pairs and the other one contains all the second elements.

function unzip<A, B>(xs: Array<readonly [A, B]>): readonly [Array<A>, Array<B>]


Creates a new array that replaces the value at the given index with the value returned by the provided function (the original array if the index is out of range).

function updateAt<A>(xs: Array<A>, targetIndex: number, fn: (_1: A) => A): Array<A>
function updateAt<A>(targetIndex: number, fn: (_1: A) => A): (xs: Array<A>) => Array<A>


Creates a new array of pairs from corresponding elements of two provided arrays.

function zip<A, B>(xs1: Array<B>): (xs0: Array<A>) => Array<readonly [A, B]>
function zip<A, B>(xs0: Array<A>, xs1: Array<B>): Array<readonly [A, B]>


Creates a new array by applying zipFn to corresponding elements of two provided arrays.

function zipWith<A, B, C>(xs0: Array<A>, xs1: Array<B>, zipFn: (_1: A, _2: B) => C): Array<C>
function zipWith<A, B, C>(xs1: Array<B>, zipFn: (_1: A, _2: B) => C): (xs0: Array<A>) => Array<C>


Creates a new array of each value paired with its index in a tuple.

function zipWithIndex<A>(xs: Array<A>): Array<readonly [A, number]>
A.zipWithIndex(['hello', 'world']) // → [['hello', 0], ['world', 1]]